A fruit picking seasonal job in 2024 is defined by seasonal missions in agriculture which generally consist of picking fruits and vegetables produced by trees and ground thanks to the intervention of seasonal agricultural workers (fruit picker).

The fruit picking job is a seasonal job that consists of picking fruits and vegetables at a certain time of the year, which requires more manpower from agricultural producers in order to absorb the capacities necessary during the harvest season for nectarines, oranges, peaches, pears and Strawberries (vegetables: radishes, salad leaves, carrots, beans, potatoes, broccoli).

The fruit picking seasonal work in 2024makes it available to many students, for example, to find a seasonal agricultural job that does not require any qualifications for a limited period when they are not busy with their studies.

The fruit picking seasonal job in 2024 is attractive to many applicants as it offers the possibility of free accommodation sometimes in addition to food, with the consequence that the worker picking the fruit does not spend a part of his salary for daily costs and save money.

What types of fruit picking seasonal jobs are existing ?

Types of Fruit Picking Seasonal Jobs

  • Picker: Workers manually pick ripe fruit from trees or bushes.
  • Sorter/Grader: Sort fruit by size, quality, and ripeness either in the field or in a processing area.
  • Packer: Pack fruits into boxes, baskets, or other containers for transport or sale.
  • Tractor Driver: Operate tractors or machinery to assist in transporting fruit or aiding other farm tasks.
  • Supervisor/Team Leader: Oversee groups of pickers, ensuring efficient work and meeting farm standards.
  • Quality Control Inspector: Ensure that the picked fruits meet quality standards before they are packed or sold.
  • Equipment Maintenance: Look after and repair the tools and machinery used in the picking process.
  • Farmhand: Assist with other farm duties beyond just picking, such as irrigation, pruning, and planting.

Do I need previous experience to work as a fruit picker , what physical requirements are there for the fruit picking seasonal job, What are the criteria, qualifications and conditions to obtain a fruit picking seasonal job ?

Fruit Picking Job Requirements


  • In most cases, no previous experience is required to work as a fruit picker.
  • Some farms might prefer workers who have some agricultural or outdoor working experience, but it's not mandatory.

Physical Requirements:

  • Ability to stand, bend, and crouch for extended periods of time.
  • Capable of lifting weights, sometimes up to 15-20 kg.
  • Endurance to work in various weather conditions, from hot sunlight to rain.
  • Good hand-eye coordination for picking and sorting fruit.

Criteria, Qualifications, and Conditions:

  • Legal work permits or rights to work in the respective country, especially for international workers.
  • Age might be a factor; some countries or farms require workers to be above a certain age, typically 18.
  • Some farms may provide on-site training for specific picking techniques or machinery operation.
  • Flexibility in working hours, especially during peak harvest season.
  • Willingness to follow farm's safety and quality protocols.

Which countries offer fruit picking seasonal jobs (France, Switzerland , Italy, Spain, Germany, USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, UK) , in which months and what area?

Fruit Picking Opportunities by Country

Fruit Picking Opportunities by Country

Country Months Area
France June - September Provence, Loire Valley, Normandy
Switzerland July - September Valais, Vaud
Italy June - August Emilia-Romagna, Sicily
Spain June - October Andalusia, Catalonia
Germany July - September Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria
USA May - September California, Washington, Oregon
Canada June - October British Columbia, Ontario
Australia December - April Queensland, Victoria
Belgium June - August Flanders, Wallonia
UK June - September Kent, Herefordshire

How long does the fruit picking season typically last?

Duration of Fruit Picking Season

  • Berries: Usually have a shorter season, lasting a month or two.
  • Stone fruits (e.g., peaches, cherries): Typically span several months in the summer.
  • Apples: Can be picked from late summer to early autumn, often spanning two to three months.
  • Citrus fruits: In certain regions, can have extended seasons lasting several months.

Can I get a job as a fruit picker if I'm traveling or a non-resident?

Yes, many countries welcome travelers and non-residents for fruit picking jobs, especially during peak seasons when there is a high demand for labor. However, there are a few key things to consider:

  • Work Visa: Depending on the country, you might need a work visa or work permit. Countries often have specific working holiday visas or temporary work permits for such purposes.
  • Duration: Most fruit picking jobs are seasonal and temporary. It's important to clarify the duration of employment and align it with your visa or stay duration.
  • Language: While fluency in the local language might not be mandatory, having basic communication skills can be helpful.
  • Accommodation: Some farms provide accommodation for workers, especially those from outside the region. It's a good idea to inquire about this in advance.

What is the usual payment frequency – weekly, biweekly, or monthly as a fruit picker?

The payment frequency for fruit pickers can vary based on the country, the employer, and the specific terms of employment. Here are the general payment frequencies:

  • Weekly: This is a common payment frequency for many fruit picking jobs, especially if the work is temporary or seasonal. It ensures that workers receive a steady income during the harvest season.
  • Biweekly: Some employers might choose to pay every two weeks. This is also fairly common and is seen in many industries, not just fruit picking.
  • Monthly: Monthly payments are less common for fruit picking jobs due to the short-term nature of the work. However, more established farms or those with longer harvesting periods might offer monthly pay cycles.

What kind of work hours can I expect during the peak season as a fruit picker?

Les mini-prêts peuvent s’appliquer à toutes les

  • Le mini-prêt personnel.

  • Le mini-prêt automobile.

What kind of work hours can I expect during the peak season as a fruit picker?

During the peak season, fruit pickers often work long hours to harvest as much produce as possible while the fruit is ripe. Here's what you can generally expect:

  • Early Starts: Picking often begins early in the morning, sometimes at dawn, to avoid the midday heat and to ensure the freshness of the produce.
  • Long Days: It's not uncommon for fruit pickers to work long days, sometimes exceeding 8 hours, especially when the fruit is at its peak ripeness.
  • Breaks: Workers typically receive breaks throughout the day, including for meals. The exact timing and duration can vary.
  • Weekends: Depending on the demand and the ripening of the fruit, work might extend into the weekends.

Are there opportunities for on-site accommodation and boarding or fruit pickers?

Many farms, especially those in remote areas or with large seasonal demands, offer on-site accommodation and sometimes boarding for their fruit pickers. Here's what you might encounter:

  • Shared Housing: Farms might provide shared housing facilities like cabins, dormitories, or caravans for workers. These accommodations typically come with basic furnishings and facilities.
  • Camping: Some farms have designated areas where workers can set up tents or park caravans. This is a more basic form of accommodation but can offer a unique experience.
  • Boarding: While less common, some farms might offer meal provisions or have communal kitchens where workers can prepare their meals.
  • Costs: Accommodation might be provided for free, at a subsidized rate, or for a fee deducted from wages. It's essential to clarify the costs beforehand.

How can I find and apply and which steps shall I take for fruit picking job opportunities in France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Germany, USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, UK?

Steps to Apply for Fruit Picking Jobs in Various Countries

  1. Research Online: Websites dedicated to seasonal and agricultural jobs often list opportunities. Countries like Australia have platforms like "Harvest Trail" for this purpose.
  2. Visit Local Agricultural Associations: In countries like France, local agricultural chambers or associations might have listings for seasonal work.
  3. Network: Speak to other travelers or locals who might have insights or contacts. Word of mouth can be invaluable.
  4. Visit Farms Directly: Especially in places like Spain and Italy, direct visits to farms can sometimes lead to immediate hiring, particularly during peak season.
  5. Ensure Legal Work Status: Countries like Canada and the USA might require work visas. Ensure you have the necessary permissions.
  6. Prepare Necessary Documents: This could include identification, CVs, and any work permits or visas.
  7. Attend Job Fairs: Some countries or regions might host job fairs targeting seasonal workers.
  8. Apply: Send out applications or express interest. Ensure you understand the terms of employment, such as work hours, accommodation, and pay.
  9. Interview: Some employers might require an interview, either in person or over the phone.
  10. Secure Accommodation: If not provided by the employer, arrange your accommodation. Countries like Australia might have dedicated hostels for fruit pickers.
  11. Start Work: Once hired, be prepared for physically demanding work, and always prioritize safety.
Country Where to Look
France Pôle Emploi, local agricultural chambers, and dedicated websites like "La cueillette".
Switzerland Swiss job portals like JobScout24 or local agricultural associations.
Italy Visit farms directly, especially in regions known for fruits like Sicily. Websites like "Agriturismo" may also have listings.
Spain Local agricultural associations, job websites, and direct visits to farms in areas like Andalusia.
Germany Job portals like "Landwirtschaftliche Jobbörse" or regional agricultural offices.
USA Websites like "PickYourOwn", local farming associations, or state job boards.
Canada Websites dedicated to farm work like "Workopolis" or provincial job boards.
Australia "Harvest Trail" website, backpacker job boards, or direct visits to farms in fruit-growing regions.
Belgium Local job websites or direct contacts with farms, especially in the Wallonia region.
UK Job boards like "Fruitful Jobs" or direct applications to farms in regions like Kent and Herefordshire.